About Me

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all the things i'll never say.

Friday, September 23, 2011

charlie is dead.

I was named after my grandfather, Sam Aversa. Yes, my name is technically Samantha, but it doesn't suit me at all. Do not call me Sammy. Sammy makes me l i v i d. I cringe whenever I hear it. It's not because I think it's cutesy or whatever. The only people to ever consistently call me that were my father, whom I will never speak a word to again, and the cunt that was the catalyst in breaking up my family. I go by Samm, with 2 m's. Why? There's no real reason other than I think it's aesthetically pleasing.

Who the fuck is Stella Kelly?!!

I was working the cafe one day and something possessed me to read the obituaries. There she was, Stella Kelly (RIP). I had never met her nor do I have any idea who she was. I instantly decided that was the coolest name I had ever heard. I was named after my grandfather, Sam Aversa. He was born on October 22nd. Stella Kelly was born on October 22nd. Weird, right? The name stuck in my head for a while.

My life has been fairly inconsistent for the past 12 months. I don't feel like sammaversa. anymore. Maybe that's a good thing and maybe it will make me grow up. All my friends have moved and I'm just anchored in Utica. Everyday that passes, the less at home I feel. No one even calls me Charlie, which has been the only nickname to ever stick to me. So, one day I decided to change my Facebook name to Stella Kelly, for numerous not entirely valid reasons. I guess Stella Kelly is what I'll hide behind for now.

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